iTEAR News

iTEAR was officially launched at OPTICAL 88 Professional Eyecare Center in June!

  • # iTEAR HK
  • # 眼乾症狀
  • # 從根源舒緩眼乾
  • # 減少依賴眼藥水
  • # 自身淚液促進儀

iTEAR was officially launched at OPTICAL 88 Professional Eyecare Center in June!

iTEAR uses non-invasive technology to stimulate the external nasal nerve through a unique vibration frequency by gently placing the vibration tip on the nose. It has been clinically proven to restore the ability of natural tear production and to relieve dry eyes from the root, or helping to reduce the dependence on artificial tears. 

If you want to try out iTEAR, please come to OPTICAL 88 Professional Eyecare Center!

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